Council Tax and business rates phone lines

The telephone service for Council Tax and business rates will be unavailable on Tuesday 14 January. You can still contact us online to tell us of any changes in circumstances, make a payment arrangement or make a payment. Our telephone service will resume on Wednesday 15 January.

Freedom of Information Requests

Most of this disclosure log is owned by the Council and is published under the Open Government Licence which means it can be used for research, reporting or publication.

If we do not own it, copyright licensing rules apply and you must get the owner’s permission to use it.

Information cannot be edited or used selectively to distort or misrepresent it.

Some information may be redacted (removed) if an exemption applies, for example if it is personal data or is commercially sensitive.

Other information we publish can be found in the Publication Scheme or in our Open Data datasets.

Types of requests received

  • FOI - Freedom of Information Requests
  • EIR - Environmental Information Regulations
Case Reference Date Information Supplied Subject Type of Request Action